Make Money Online By Reading Books

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There are also a few other platforms where you can make money online. There are millions of people to read and listen to books on their platforms. So, if you love to read books then this is best for you. Many ways to earn money in which the best way to earn money by reading books.

Write Book Reviews as a Freelancer

As a new freelancer, it can be difficult to get paid commissions, but it is possible. To improve your pitches, it helps if you're able to link to examples of articles that you've already written. And when you do start pitching, focus on newspapers and magazines that suit your taste in books. We have more tips on how to pitch article ideas as a freelancer in our guide to earning money from reading.

Start A Book Blog

The beauty of starting a blog is that it gives you the freedom to write what you want, when you want. What's more, it's possible to make money from it. Like the tips mentioned above, earning an income as a blogger takes time. But, gradually, you can begin to earn a steady income from it. The more the blog grows, the more money it will make. Then, when readers make a purchase or sign up for a service based on your recommendation, you earn a small commission.

Run A Book Club

Book clubs give you the chance to meet like-minded people and talk about books. Whether running the book club online or in-person, you could charge a small fee to members. The members will understand that time and effort goes into the smooth-running of the club, so will likely be happy to pay you a bit for your role as organizer. This involves inviting an author to a QA session with the book club.

Translate Books into Another Language

Working as a book translator can be a challenging, but incredible, career. There’s a lot more to book translation than simply understanding the meaning of the text and rewriting it in another language. Translators often have difficult literary decisions to make due to differences in the syntax of each language. However, it can vary depending on individual contracts between translators and publishers.

We also know of loads of great ways to make money from reading books.
