How to Increase Love in a Relationship

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A felling of love in a relationship is necessary. Love is like chocolate – we can’t get enough! So, whether your relationship is on the rocks or you’re happier than you’ve ever been, every couple could use a little more love in their relationship.

One of the best ways to increase love in your relationship is by scheduling some tech-free time with your sweetheart.

Step Away from your Phone

Start by choosing half-hour where you turn your phone on silent and stick in a drawer. This could be in the morning so you can share coffee time together, at night when you’re sitting on the couch, or during dinner. Putting your phone away will boost love by showing your partner they have your undivided attention.

Communicate Regularly

If you want to learn how to increase love in a relationship, you must be able to communicate with your partner. Communication is the cornerstone of successful relationships. It’s how couples get to know one another, learn to problem-solve, and grow as people.

Be More Spontaneous

One way to increase love in a relationship is by being more spontaneous with your partner. Book a weekend vacation, surprise your spouse with lunch, or buy your sweetheart a gift just because spontaneity brings a sense of excitement into your relationship that boosts love.

Make spending quality time together a priority. Put your phone away, build trust, and show appreciation for your partner.
